ADHT: Defesa Hetero
- Justiça obriga pais que educam filhos em casa a matricular filhos na escola
- PARA QUEM LÊ EM INGLÊS, veja notícia do Jornal Washington Post nos EUA
- Juiz afirma que igrejas evangélicas ajudam a transformar uniões estáveis em casamentos
Posted: 28 Jan 2013 08:08 AM PST
Por Julio Severo O pai e a mãe de dois adolescentes de 13 e 14 anos, que educam seus filhos em casa, em Belo Horizonte, foram obrigados pela Justiça a matricular os meninos em escola pública ou particular, num prazo de 30 dias. O caso foi denunciado pelo Ministério Público que acusou o casal de "abandono intelectual" dos filhos.
Juízes decidem: filhos pertencem ao Estado. A decisão do juiz da Vara Cível da Infância e da Juventude de Belo Horizonte, Marcos Flávio Lucas Padula, foi proferida em 16 de janeiro, mas divulgada pela corte somente nesta sexta-feira (25). No processo, os pais afirmaram que possuem prioridade sobre o Estado no oferecimento da educação escolar para os filhos. Eles mostraram que um dos meninos foi aprovado no exame de conclusão do ensino fundamental — prova suficiente para comprovar que os filhos não estão intelectualmente abandonados. O Ministério Público, porém, mostrou que o Estado tem o direito exclusivo de impor a escola formal como única opção para os pais, afirmando que é "direito" (mais propriamente traduzido como obrigação) de toda criança e adolescente o acesso à educação formal. O Conselho Tutelar do Barreiro, região de Belo Horizonte onde a família reside, chegou a intimar pai e mãe por violar o direito do Estado de impor sua educação sobre os adolescentes do casal. Eles foram intimados para fazer as matrículas dos filhos. Quando disseram que continuariam educando em casa, o Conselho Tutelar acionou o Ministério Público contra o casal por "abandono intelectual". Se abandono intelectual significa deixar os filhos sem a doutrinação imoral das escolas do Estado, de fato os pais cometeram esse "crime". As escolas estão ensinando tantas depravações que deixariam qualquer prostituta de bordel envergonhada. As crianças voltam muitas vezes da escola com vergonha de dizer aos pais as "lições" de sexo homossexual e outras imoralidades que aprenderam em sala de aula. Nesse quadro cada vez mais real no Brasil, os pais cristãos têm a obrigação moral de remover os filhos das escolas e educá-los em casa. O próprio Martinho Lutero nos deu um alerta profético 500 anos atrás: "Muito temo que as escolas comprovarão ser as grandes portas do inferno, a menos que elas diligentemente trabalhem para explicar as Santas Escrituras, gravando-as no coração dos jovens". Se a Justiça do Brasil não estivesse tão adoecida por ideologias politicamente corretas, não se envolveria na opção educacional dos pais para os filhos, nem os puniria. Em vez disso, intimaria e puniria ministro da Educação e outros agentes do Estado que passam dia e noite elaborando estratégias para impor kits gays e outras depravações para as crianças de escola. É claro que o casal de Belo Horizonte não cometeu "abandono intelectual" e crime algum, pois educam os filhos em casa. Mas o Estado e seus agentes usarão qualquer desculpa e mentira para manter os filhos debaixo do seu poder e manipulação doutrinária. O juiz considerou que, apesar de deterem o poder familiar, "os pais não estão autorizados a simplesmente retirar os filhos da rede regular de ensino, uma vez que isso os priva também do convívio social". O convívio social na escola hoje atira, em grande parte, as crianças à má influência de drogas, violência e prostituição. É uma socialização negativa, na melhor das hipóteses. Mas o Estado insiste nessa desculpa. Para fundamentar sua opinião de total controle do Estado sobre as crianças e a proibição da educação escolar em casa, o juiz se amparou no ECA (Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente) e na Constituição Federal. O Brasil se transformou numa "democracia" ditatorial. Se o casal de Belo Horizonte trabalhasse como professores, distribuindo kits gays nas escolas, o juiz e outros agentes do Estado elogiariam seus serviços ao Estado pró-sodomia. Mas pelo fato de que cometeram o pecado imperdoável de tirar seus filhos dos braços do monstro estatal, o juiz mostra toda a sua força em favor dos interesses do gigante estatal contra um indefesa família. Nos primeiros séculos, os cristãos desobedeciam ao Estado romano quando obedeciam a Deus. Se os pais cristãos do Brasil crerem e demonstrarem que os filhos pertencem a Deus, estarão definidamente desobedecendo ao Estado. Se tentarem tirar os filhos dos braços do monstro estatal, estarão cometendo um "crime". Com informações do UOL Notícias e R7. Fonte: Leitura recomendada: Quem comete "abandono intelectual": as escolas públicas ou os pais que educam? A Marca da Besta: A Educação do Futuro Uma nova Reforma para contra-atacar as grandes portas do inferno? Por que os políticos não querem mandar seus filhos às escolas públicas? Escravidão educacional para crianças de 4 anos O Conselho Tutelar e a Lei Anti-Palmada Visite o Blog Escola em Casa: |
Posted: 28 Jan 2013 07:54 AM PST
Will legal same-sex marriage result in religious persecution? Bryana Johnson DALLAS, January 25, 2013 — Earlier this month, 1,067 UK priests, bishops and abbots created a significant stir when they signed what is being called one of the largest open letters ever produced in British political history. The letter was issued as a warning against the legalization of same-sex marriage. Such a development may spark religious persecution against Catholics, who oppose same-sex marriage based on the tenets of their faith, cautioned the multitude of priests. The letter comes as British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced his intentions to push through a bill legalizing same-sex marriage in the UK by the end of the month. "The natural complementarity between a man and a woman leads to marriage, seen as a lifelong partnership," the clergymen declared in their statement. "This loving union – because of their physical complementarity – is open to bringing forth and nurturing children. This is what marriage is. That is why marriage is only possible between a man and a woman." "Legislation for same-sex marriage, should it be enacted, will have many legal consequences, severely restricting the ability of Catholics to teach the truth about marriage in their schools, charitable institutions or places of worship," they went on to warn. Those who signed the letter make up about one-fourth of all the Catholic clergy in Britain. Regardless of where we stand on the issue of same-sex marriage, it's important for us to determine whether or not this statement is backed by evidence and by the collective experience of states and nations that have already enshrined homosexual marriage in law. Surely the rights and religious liberties of the proponents of traditional marriage must be protected even as same-sex partnerships become more widespread and more widely accepted. Is truth on the side of the UK clergy and should Christian people be taking a warning from their words? Is legalization of same-sex marriage a doorway into an era of universal goodwill and harmony? Or is it merely a sign that a new form of bigotry is at hand – a bigotry of hatred and violence unleashed against the traditional family and its supporters? The obvious question is, have opponents of same-sex marriage suffered persecution and loss of religious liberty in other countries that have embraced this radical redefinition of marriage? The answer is in no way elusive. Let's take a look at a little very recent history. "Tolerance" in Brazil
Last week, members of the Catholic Plinio Correa de Olivera Institute gathered in the Brazilian city of Curitiba to protest abortion and the homosexual ideology and stand in support of the traditional family. Homosexuality has been legal in Brazil since 1830 and enjoys widespread acceptance in that country. However, the Catholic demonstrators, who marched peacefully and carried signs, were not greeted with tolerance and acceptance. In fact, an angry mob soon gathered around them and began yelling threats and making obscene gestures. The Catholics were spat upon and one of them had an object thrown at his head which drew blood. As he held up his bloodied hand to show the camera, the crowd cheered. These incidents were caught on camera by the Institute and by an onlooker sympathetic to the unruly mob. In 2007, the Brazilian Association of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Transgender People (ABGLT) filed several lawsuits against opponents of the homosexual movement in Brazil. One of these suits targeted the websites that had just exposed homosexual activist Luiz Mott for his promotion of pedophilia and pederasty. Another motion was filed against psychologist and therapist Rozangela Alves Justino, who provided counseling and therapy for homosexuals who wished to change their sexual orientation. Because Brazil's Federal Council of Psychologists prohibited psychologists from performing reparative therapy for homosexuality, the ABGLT asked that Alves Justino's license be revoked. Several years ago, Christian pro-life writer Julio Severo fled Brazil after charges were reportedly filed against him for his "homophobic" coverage of Brazil's 2006 Gay Pride parade. Severo left the country abruptly with his pregnant wife and two small children. At the time, there was still no official law in Brazil criminalizing "homophobic" behavior. In February of 2009, LifeSiteNews reported that, "the Brazilian government has determined that 99% of its citizens are 'homophobic,' and therefore must be reeducated." According to Brazilian newspaper O Globo, the federal government of Brazil intended to use the data from the study to "plan new policies." Those new policies were implemented in May 2012, when the senate in Brazil passed a law criminalizing 'homophobia.' In the summer of 2012, Julio Severo interviewed Brazilian Christian psychologist Marisa Lobo, who said that the Brazilian Federal Council of Psychology pressured and terrorized homosexuals who were looking for help in overcoming their unwanted same-sex attractions. Marisa was also attacked by the Council when she questioned the "gay kit" that the Brazilian government attempted to distribute to students in public schools for the purpose of fighting "homophobia." Due to explicit content in the kit and its favorable portrayal of homosexual behavior, the program was eventually suspended by Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. "When they learned that [I was] a Christian, they began to persecute me," Marisa explained, "as a psychologist who categorizes herself as a Christian, and later in the process as a homophobe, because I said on Twitter that I love gays, but I prefer for my child to be heterosexual. And I still don't understand why having an opinion instigates violence." It seems that the range of tolerated activity in Brazil is fairly narrow, despite decades of campaigns by same-sex marriage advocates against "hate" and "bullying" and "harassment." And it is becoming increasingly evident that Christian family virtues are not included in the group of "tolerable" ideas. "Diversity" and "Freedom of Speech" in Canada Canada Day in Ontario last year was marked by a disturbing incident when Rev. David Lynn and a small group of friends attended the Toronto Gay Pride Parade. Setting up a small stand on a street corner with a microphone and a video camera, Lynn preached, held conversations with passers-by, and handed out Bibles and tracts – that is, until Toronto police wearing LGBT rainbow stickers shut him down and forced him to vacate the area. Ignoring the profanity and violent behavior of angry parade attendees and demonstrators who verbally assaulted the group and even doused Lynn and his cameraman with water, police told Lynn he was "promoting hate" and must leave. Videos of the incident are available here and here and here. It seems only certain forms of free speech are protected in Canada nowadays. Criticism of homosexuality, even peaceful and motivated by loving concern, isn't one of them. When the Toronto District School Board revealed their new "anti-homophobia curriculum" in 2011 (Challenging Homophobia and Heterosexism: A K-12 Curriculum), many people were understandably disturbed. Naturally, things only got worse when the news came out that parents would not be able to opt their kids out of the program – not even their kindergarteners. Teachers would also not be permitted to decline to teach the course based on religious convictions. It seems only certain brands of diverse thought are encouraged in Canada nowadays. Christian family virtues aren't among them. The curriculum taught students that "you can't choose to be gay or straight, but you can choose to come out." In 3rd grade, it is recommended that students read the book Gloria Goes to Gay Pride. Students are encouraged to have their own "Pride Parade" in their school. Unfortunately, most real-life Pride Parades are scarcely suitable for elementary school children. The disturbing and seemingly totalitarian approach embraced by the Toronto District is but a foretaste of what lies ahead, suggests an education minister in the United Kingdom. Elizabeth Truss, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State of the Department for Education, warned in November that school teachers could be punished for not teaching pro-gay topics, should the British government follow through with plans to redefine marriage. More Instances of Love and Acceptance The adoption agency Catholic Charities has been systemically shutting down its branches in various states throughout the US, following a series of bitter legal disputes over the agency's right to refuse to place children with homosexual couples. Similar laws have also forced church-affiliated agencies in Britain, such as Catholic Care, to separate from their churches or shut down entirely. In January 2012, a New Jersey judge ruled against a Christian retreat house that refused to allow a same-sex civil union ceremony to be conducted on its premises, ruling that the Constitution allows "some intrusion into religious freedom to balance other important societal goals." Last September, a gay couple filed suit against two Illinois institutions that refused to host their civil union. Christian "Bed and Breakfast" establishments, which are often family-owned businesses, have been especially targeted by homosexual rights activists for this type of harassment. In Ladele and McFarlane v. United Kingdom, plaintiffs Lillian Ladele and Gary McFarlane were fired from their places of work for declining to perform services involving same-sex partnerships and counseling. Ladele, a marriage registrar for Islington Council in London, "was disciplined after she asked to be exempt from registering same-sex civil partnerships." McFarlane was a counselor who was fired after he "declined to unequivocally commit to provide same-sex couples with psycho-sexual therapy." They appealed to the European Court of Human Rights, but the court refused to hear their case. The Significance for the Future of Religious Liberty "It seems that a religious bar to office has been created, whereby a Christian who wishes to act on their Christian beliefs on marriage will no longer be able to work in a great number of environments," commented Andrea Williams, the Director of the Christian Legal Centre. Certainly this is a tragic remark and one that signals a gloomy answer to the question of whether or not the legalization of same-sex marriage will result in a loss of religious liberty. It is, of course, unfair of homosexual activists to expect people of faith to cast away their creeds and their dear, cherished ideals. But these activists make themselves odious indeed to civilized people when they force dissenters to violate their codes of morality and their very consciences by endorsing and promoting a lifestyle they consider abhorrent. If the aim of legalizing same-sex marriage is, as we are so often told, to eradicate intolerance and bigotry, surely its activists should be alarmed to find that their efforts have been entirely unsuccessful. However, as shocking as it may seem, the advocates of same-sex marriage are proving repeatedly that they only endorse the toleration of one view and only believe in the protection of one speech – their own. Source: Washington Times, via Julio Severo in English: Another article by Bryana Johnson: St. Petersburg Russia law questions if gay rights are human rights? Source:"> |
Posted: 27 Jan 2013 05:25 PM PST
As igrejas evangélicas, que colocam a regularização da situação conjugal como uma de suas práticas, tem sido uma grande incentivadora na transformação de uniões estáveis em casamentos. A informação foi revelada pelo juiz Cesar Luiz Miozzo, ao comentar sobre a atuação do ônibus da Justiça Itinerante no Mato Grosso do Sul. De acordo com o juiz, diariamente a unidade itinerante recebe dezenas de pedidos de casamento, em sua grande maioria por orientação de igrejas evangélicas. - Temos constatado que muitos desses casais buscam a Justiça Itinerante seguindo a direção de igrejas evangélicas – afirmou o Magistrado. De acordo com o jornal Correio do Estado, no ano passado foram 4.677 audiências de reconhecimento de união estável e sua transformação em casamento. As regiões atendidas pelas unidades móveis (ônibus) com maior procura por casamentos foram a Vila Piratininga (702), Jardim São Conrado (514) e Bairro Coronel Antonino (367). Mensalmente são realizadas nas unidades móveis de 150 a 250 conversões de união estável em casamento e a procura tem aumentado. Somente em 2011 foram 4.555 mil casamentos. Por Dan Martins, para o Gospel+
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