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    terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2013

    Nobility Newsletter: "Baby Prince George makes the monarchy more popular in Canada" and other posts

    Nobility Newsletter: "Baby Prince George makes the monarchy more popular in Canada" and other posts

    • Baby Prince George makes the monarchy more popular in Canada 
    • New challenge to Britain’s egalitarian change in rules of royal succession 
    • Misguided effort to abolish male primogeniture in Britain’s peerage 
    • British monarchy popularity soars, poll shows 
    • Passing of Count Andreas von Bismarck-Schönhausen, father of Baroness Stephanie von und zu Guttenberg 
    • Saint Louis the King leads the counter-charge against the Saracens 
    • Significance and Value of True Tradition 
    • July 29 – He regained the hearts of his people only after his death 
    • July 29 – With one sermon, he launched the Crusades 
    • July 30 – Patron of Charcoal 
    • July 31 – St. Germain 
    • July 31 – Militant Means Something 
    • July 31 – St. Helen of Sköfde 

    Posted: 29 Jul 2013 12:31 AM PDT

    According to the National Post: A new Forum Poll…suggests Canadians are now much more supportive of the monarchy after the birth of Prince George Alexander Louis compared to earlier this year. "It's astonishing the salutary effect a little bundle of Royal joy will have on attitudes to the monarchy," Forum Research President Lorne Bozinoff said. [...]

    Posted: 29 Jul 2013 12:30 AM PDT

    According to the Daily Express: …plans to update the succession rules in 16 countries where the Queen is head of state ran into further trouble yesterday. The Canadian Royal Heritage Trust became the latest of four groups…to argue that Canada's federal government has acted incorrectly in its efforts to change the rules. Similar challenges have [...]

    Posted: 29 Jul 2013 12:28 AM PDT

    According to The Independent: …proposals to allow first-born girls to inherit aristocratic titles look likely to be given the green light after senior cabinet sources indicated the move would not be opposed by the Government. Changes to the Royal Family’s line of succession…prompted a campaign…to give similar rights to women in the wider peerage. …campaigners [...]

    Posted: 29 Jul 2013 12:27 AM PDT

    According to The Telegraph: While the Queen is the most admired member of the Royal family overall, among those aged between 18 and 24, the Duchess of Cambridge emerges as the single most popular figure. Prince Harry, emerges from the poll as Britain's third-favourite member of the Royal family, suggesting that his service in Afghanistan [...]

    Posted: 29 Jul 2013 12:25 AM PDT

    Count Andreas von Bismarck-Schönhausen, father of Baroness Stephanie von und zu Guttenberg, died on July 20 in Salzburg. He was 72 years old. Count Andreas was the great-grandson of Otto Prince von Bismark, the Iron Chancellor of the German Empire. Together with Count Claus von Stauffenberg and other members of the German nobility, Gottfried von Bismarck-Schönhausen, [...]

    Posted: 28 Jul 2013 10:12 PM PDT

    Then he [the Muslim general] caused the drums called nacaires to be beaten; and then they charged us, foot and horse. And first I will tell you of the King of Sicily—who was then Count of Anjou—because he was first on the side towards Babylon. The foe came against him as men play chess, for [...]

    Posted: 28 Jul 2013 10:11 PM PDT

    Respect for tradition is a very rare virtue in our day. On the one hand, the Revolution (1) turned the craving for novelties and the disdain for the past into common attitudes. On the other hand, the defenders of tradition sometimes understand it in an entirely false manner. Tradition is not merely a historic value, nor [...]

    Posted: 28 Jul 2013 10:10 PM PDT

    St. Olaf Haraldson Martyr and King of Norway (1015-30), born 995; died 29 July, 1030. He was a son of King Harald Grenske of Norway. According to Snorre, he was baptized in 998 in Norway, but more probably about 1010 in Rouen, France, by Archbishop Robert. In his early youth he went as a viking [...]

    Posted: 28 Jul 2013 10:09 PM PDT

    Pope Blessed Urban II (Otho, Otto or Odo of Lagery), 1088-1099, born of a knightly family, at Châtillon-sur-Marne in the province of Champagne, about 1042; died 29 July, 1099. Under St. Bruno (afterwards founder of the Carthusians) Otho studied at Reims, where he later became canon and archdeacon. About 1070 he retired to Cluny and [...]

    Posted: 28 Jul 2013 10:08 PM PDT

    St. Theobald Born at Provins in the Province of Champagne, France, in 1017; died at Salanigo in Italy 30 June, 1066. He was a member of a noble family. In 1054 without the knowledge of his parents he and his friend Walter gave themselves to the life of hermits at Sussy in the Ardennes, then [...]

    Posted: 28 Jul 2013 10:07 PM PDT

    St. Germain Bishop of Auxerre, born at Auxerre c. 380; died at Ravenna, 31 July, 448. He was the son of Rusticus and Germanilla, and his family was one of the noblest in Gaul in the latter portion of the fourth century. He received the very best education provided by the distinguished schools of Arles [...]

    Posted: 28 Jul 2013 10:06 PM PDT

    St. Ignatius Loyola Youngest son of Don Beltrán Yañez de Oñez y Loyola and Marina Saenz de Lieona y Balda. Born in 1491 at the castle of Loyola above Azpeitia in Guipuscoa; died at Rome, 31 July, 1556. The saint was baptized Iñigo, after St. Enecus (Innicus), Abbot of Oña: the name Ignatius was assumed [...]

    Posted: 28 Jul 2013 10:05 PM PDT

    St. Helen of Sköfde Martyr in the first half of the twelfth century. Her feast is celebrated 31 July. Her life (Acta SS., July, VII, 340) is ascribed to St. Brynolph, Bishop of Skara, in Sweden (d. 1317). She was of noble family and is generally believed to have been the daughter of the Jarl [...]

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    Immaculata mea

    In sobole Evam ad Mariam Virginem Matrem elegit Deus Filium suum. Gratia plena, optimi est a primo instanti suae conceptionis, redemptionis, ab omni originalis culpae labe praeservata ab omni peccato personali toto vita manebat.


    'A Lógica da Criação'

    Jesus, oculto na Hóstia, é tudo para mim

    “Se não fosse a Santa Comunhão, eu estaria caindo continuamente. A única coisa que me sustenta é a Santa Comunhão. Dela tiro forças, nela está o meu vigor. Tenho medo da vida, nos dias em que não recebo a Santa Comunhão. Tenho medo de mim mesma. Jesus, oculto na Hóstia, é tudo para mim. Do Sacrário tiro força, vigor, coragem e luz. Aí busco alívio nos momentos de aflição. Eu não saberia dar glória a Deus, se não tivesse a Eucaristia no meu coração.”

    (Diário de Santa Faustina, n. 1037)


    A Paixão de Cristo