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    Rio de Janeiro

    Santa Sé

    segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2013

    Nobility Newsletter: "Royal families have more family milestones than presidential families" and other posts

    Royal families have more family milestones than presidential families 
    Even Washington finds magic in the British monarchy 
    Egyptian prince and Afghan princess will marry this month 
    The young daughter of an American elite family had the fondest memories of Pius IX, the Pope-King 
    “Parceled Out Sovereignty” 
    August 5 – Valor in a King 
    August 6 – Garcia Moreno: Heroic President of Ecuador 
    August 6 – The Pope who had been married before he was called to resolve a major schism 
    August 7 – St. Cajetan 

    Posted: 04 Aug 2013 10:21 PM PDT

    According to The New York Times: …a royal family might come in handy. The closest thing we have to a royal family is the one belonging to the president, and presidents tend to be middle-aged men who produce very few family milestones. Even when they do, the country's reaction is sometimes remarkably surly. Only one [...]

    Posted: 04 Aug 2013 10:16 PM PDT

    According to The Independent: …even…in this city of a thousand receptions, the hottest ticket in town in recent weeks was for the party held by the British Ambassador to celebrate the Prince’s birth. The elite of Washington society, movers, shakers, politicos, business leaders, and media figures gathered on the landscaped lawns of the ambassadorial residence… [...]

    Posted: 04 Aug 2013 10:15 PM PDT

    According to Hello Magazine: Prince Muhammad Ali of Egypt and Princess Noal Zaher, granddaughter of King Zaher Shah of Afghanistan, are busy preparing for their impending royal wedding. The couple…are set to tie the knot on 30 August… Muhammad and Noal’s union is unusual nowadays as the descedants of two royal households rarely marry one [...]

    Posted: 04 Aug 2013 10:12 PM PDT

    Pio Nono reigned over the Papal States. We used to see him driving about in his great glass coach with outriders and caparisoned horses. We all knelt on the sidewalk to receive his blessing as he went by. He often came to the Pincio, the public garden where our mornings and most of our afternoons [...]

    Posted: 04 Aug 2013 10:11 PM PDT

    This great sense of autonomy permeated all Christendom and gave rise to multiple levels of authority. In this order, authority is neither absolute nor centralized since there was a "parceling out of sovereignty" all over society.(1) Each one assumes dominion over a domain while integrating and having recourse to that of higher human groups only [...]

    Posted: 04 Aug 2013 10:10 PM PDT

    St. Oswald of Northumbria, King and Martyr The English Saxon kingdom of Northumbria was founded by Ida in 547. After his death the northern part called Bernicia was preserved by his children; but Deira, that is, the southern part, comprising Yorkshire and Lancashire, was occupied by Ælla or Alla, and after his death was recovered [...]

    Posted: 04 Aug 2013 10:09 PM PDT

    by José Maria dos Santos Gabriel Garcia Moreno, heroic President of Ecuador, assassinated for his Faith and Christian Charity. Manly Catholic of intransigent principles, slain by the enemies of the Faith because of his consistency and courage in defense of the Church and Papacy Gabriel Garcia Moreno was born in Guayaquil, in southern Ecuador on [...]

    Posted: 04 Aug 2013 10:08 PM PDT

    Pope St. Hormisdas Date of birth unknown, elected to the Holy See, 514; died at Rome, 6 August, 523. This able and sagacious pontiff belonged to a wealthy and honourable family of Frosinone (Frusino) in the Campagna di Roma (Latium). Before receiving higher orders he had been married; his son became pope under the name [...]

    Posted: 04 Aug 2013 10:05 PM PDT

    St. Cajetan (GAETANO.) Nobleman of the dynasties of Da Porto and Thiene of Vicenza, Italy. Founder of the Theatines, born October, 1480 at Vicenza in Venetian territory; died at Naples in 1547. Under the care of a pious mother he passed a studious and exemplary youth, and took his degree as doctor utriusque juris at [...]

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    Immaculata mea

    In sobole Evam ad Mariam Virginem Matrem elegit Deus Filium suum. Gratia plena, optimi est a primo instanti suae conceptionis, redemptionis, ab omni originalis culpae labe praeservata ab omni peccato personali toto vita manebat.


    'A Lógica da Criação'

    Jesus, oculto na Hóstia, é tudo para mim

    “Se não fosse a Santa Comunhão, eu estaria caindo continuamente. A única coisa que me sustenta é a Santa Comunhão. Dela tiro forças, nela está o meu vigor. Tenho medo da vida, nos dias em que não recebo a Santa Comunhão. Tenho medo de mim mesma. Jesus, oculto na Hóstia, é tudo para mim. Do Sacrário tiro força, vigor, coragem e luz. Aí busco alívio nos momentos de aflição. Eu não saberia dar glória a Deus, se não tivesse a Eucaristia no meu coração.”

    (Diário de Santa Faustina, n. 1037)


    A Paixão de Cristo