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    segunda-feira, 28 de outubro de 2013

    Nobility Newsletter: "Regenerating a Culture of Leadership" and other posts

    Nobility Newsletter: "Regenerating a Culture of Leadership" and other posts

    • Regenerating a Culture of Leadership 
    • October 28 – Uncommon Valor 
    • October 28 – Saint, Soldier, Statesman 
    • October 29 – King turned monk, his people begged him to lead them in battle against Penda 
    • October 30 – Patroness of the Teutonic Knights 
    • October 30 – St. Marcellus the Centurion, Martyr 

    Posted: 27 Oct 2013 10:11 PM PDT

    In face of the present crisis, there are plenty of people who have leadership qualities and succeed fabulously in what they do. There are also plenty of people who need help and direction in dealing with the huge problems we face. What is missing is a way to unite the two groups. We need to [...]

    Posted: 27 Oct 2013 10:10 PM PDT

    Col. John W. Ripley: Uncommon Valor By Jeremias Wells An American Knight When a society no longer respects and honors the fighting men willing to shed their blood for its principles, the fault lies not with the fighting men but with society itself. Ingratitude is a subtle vice, but a vice nevertheless. Saint Thomas Aquinas [...]

    Posted: 27 Oct 2013 10:09 PM PDT

    Saint Alfred the Great In this incomparable prince were united the saint, the soldier, and the statesman in a most eminent degree. Sir Henry Spelman (Conc. Brit.) gives us his character in a rapture. "O, Alfred," says he, "the wonder and astonishment of all ages! If we reflect on his piety and religion, it would [...]

    Posted: 27 Oct 2013 10:08 PM PDT

    Saint Sigebert King and martyr, date of birth unknown; died about 637, was the stepbrother of Earpwald, king of the East Angles. During the reign of Redwald he lived an exile in Gaul where he received baptism and became an ardent Christian. Earpwald died about 627, and East Anglia seems to have relapsed into anarchy [...]

    Posted: 27 Oct 2013 10:07 PM PDT

    St. Dorothea of Montau, recluse, born at Montau, 6 February, 1347, died at Marienwerder, 25 June, 1394. At the age of seventeen she married the sword-cutler Albrecht of Danzig, a hot-tempered man, whose nature underwent a change through her humility and gentleness. Both made frequent pilgrimages to Cologne, Aachen, and Einsiedeln, and they intended (1390) [...]

    Posted: 27 Oct 2013 10:06 PM PDT

    St. Marcellus the Centurion, Martyr The birthday of the emperor Maximian Herculeus was celebrated in the year 298, with extraordinary feasting and solemnity. Pompous sacrifices to the Roman gods made a considerable part of this solemnity. Marcellus, a Christian centurion or captain of the legion of Trajan, then posted in Spain, not to defile himself [...]

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    Immaculata mea

    In sobole Evam ad Mariam Virginem Matrem elegit Deus Filium suum. Gratia plena, optimi est a primo instanti suae conceptionis, redemptionis, ab omni originalis culpae labe praeservata ab omni peccato personali toto vita manebat.


    'A Lógica da Criação'

    Jesus, oculto na Hóstia, é tudo para mim

    “Se não fosse a Santa Comunhão, eu estaria caindo continuamente. A única coisa que me sustenta é a Santa Comunhão. Dela tiro forças, nela está o meu vigor. Tenho medo da vida, nos dias em que não recebo a Santa Comunhão. Tenho medo de mim mesma. Jesus, oculto na Hóstia, é tudo para mim. Do Sacrário tiro força, vigor, coragem e luz. Aí busco alívio nos momentos de aflição. Eu não saberia dar glória a Deus, se não tivesse a Eucaristia no meu coração.”

    (Diário de Santa Faustina, n. 1037)


    A Paixão de Cristo