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    quinta-feira, 30 de maio de 2013

    Nobility Newsletter: "The leftist paper The Guardian rages against Sunday’s diamond jubilee of the Queen’s coronation" and other posts

    Nobility Newsletter: "The leftist paper The Guardian rages against Sunday’s diamond jubilee of the Queen’s coronation" and other posts

    The leftist paper The Guardian rages against Sunday’s diamond jubilee of the Queen’s coronation
    Islamists desire to topple the Jordanian monarchy
    Prince Harry told to watch out after Islamist Woolwich terrorist attack
    An anxious moment for Marie Antoinette in the Temple prison
    The Deterioration of the Medieval Order in Modern Times
    May 30 – Most Valiant King
    May 30 – Maid of Orleans
    May 31 – St. Camilla Battista da Varano
    May 31 – St. Mechtildis of Edelstetten
    June 1 – Kidnapped for Christ
    June 1 – This Aristocrat Gave His Life for the Poor

    The leftist paper The Guardian rages against Sunday’s diamond jubilee of the Queen’s coronation

    Posted: 30 May 2013 11:23 AM PDT

    According to the The Guardian: It is the 60th anniversary of Elizabeth II’s coronation on Sunday…. These are bad times for republicans. The last three years have been full of royal pageantry…. It is not so much what monarchy does that offends me, but what it does not do. It does not tell us that we are free [...]

    Islamists desire to topple the Jordanian monarchy

    Posted: 30 May 2013 10:28 AM PDT

    According to Jordan was established by Great Britain post-World War I from the original Mandate of Palestine. In return for the support of Ali bin Hussein, the leader of the Hashemite tribe from the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, during the British-led Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire in World War I, the [...]

    Prince Harry told to watch out after Islamist Woolwich terrorist attack

    Posted: 30 May 2013 09:38 AM PDT

    According to Mirror: Prince Harry has been warned to be extra vigilant in public after the murder of Lee Rigby. A Royal source said: "He is the Taliban's number one target." To read the full article in Mirror, please click here.

    An anxious moment for Marie Antoinette in the Temple prison

    Posted: 29 May 2013 10:12 PM PDT

    While the royal family was imprisoned and closely guarded in the Temple, the revolutionaries discovered an iron coffer in one of the rooms, a fact they considered highly suspect, giving rise to endless rumors and inquiries. One day, while the prisoners were dining under their guards' watchful eyes, the Dauphin saw a biscuit on the [...]

    The Deterioration of the Medieval Order in Modern Times

    Posted: 29 May 2013 10:11 PM PDT

    As explained… [link to previous post] the feudal organization of society—at once political, social, and economic—deteriorated in modern times (from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries). From then on, the successive political and socioeconomic transformations have tended to meld all the classes and entirely, or almost entirely, deny a special juridical status to the clergy [...]

    May 30 – Most Valiant King

    Posted: 29 May 2013 10:10 PM PDT

    Saint Ferdinand III of Castile King of Leon and Castile, member of the Third Order of St. Francis, born in 1198 near Salamanca; died at Seville, 30 May, 1252. He was the son of Alfonso IX, King of Leon, and of Berengeria, the daughter of Alfonso III, King of Castile, and sister of Blanche, the [...]

    May 30 – Maid of Orleans

    Posted: 29 May 2013 10:09 PM PDT

    St. Joan of Arc In French Jeanne d'Arc; by her contemporaries commonly known as la Pucelle (the Maid). Born at Domremy in Champagne, probably on 6 January, 1412; died at Rouen, 30 May, 1431. The village of Domremy lay upon the confines of territory which recognized the suzerainty of the Duke of Burgundy, but in [...]

    May 31 – St. Camilla Battista da Varano

    Posted: 29 May 2013 10:08 PM PDT

    St. Baptista Varano (Varani). An ascetical writer, born at Camerino, in the March of Ancona, 9 Apr., 1458; died there, 31 May, 1527. Her father, Julius Caesar Varano or de Varanis, Duke of Camerino, belonged to an illustrious family; her mother, Joanna Malatesta, was a daughter of Sigismund, Prince of Rimini. At baptism Baptista received [...]

    May 31 – St. Mechtildis of Edelstetten

    Posted: 29 May 2013 10:05 PM PDT

    St. Mechtildis was a Benedictine abbess and renowned miracle worker. Mechtildis was the daughter of Count Berthold of Andechs, whose wife, Sophie, founded a monastery on their estate at Diessen, Bavaria, and placed their daughter there at the age of five. In 1153, the Bishop of Augsburg placed her as Abbess of Edelstetten Abbey. Mechtildis [...]

    June 1 – Kidnapped for Christ

    Posted: 29 May 2013 10:05 PM PDT

    Bl. John Story (Or Storey.) Martyr; born 1504; died at Tyburn, 1 June, 1571. He was educated at Oxford, and was president of Broadgates Hall, now Pembroke College, from 1537 to 1539. He entered Parliament as member for Hindon, Wilts, in 1547, and was imprisoned for opposing the Bill of Uniformity, 24 Jan.-2 March, 1548-9. [...]

    June 1 – This Aristocrat Gave His Life for the Poor

    Posted: 29 May 2013 10:04 PM PDT

    Saint Hannibal Mary Di Francia (1851-1927) (sometimes written as Annibale Maria Di Francia) Hannibal Mary Di Francia was born in Messina, Italy, on July 5, 1851. His father Francis was a knight, the Marquises of St. Catherine of Jonio, Papal Vice-Consul and Honorary Captain of the Navy. His mother, Anna Toscano, also belonged to an [...]

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    Immaculata mea

    In sobole Evam ad Mariam Virginem Matrem elegit Deus Filium suum. Gratia plena, optimi est a primo instanti suae conceptionis, redemptionis, ab omni originalis culpae labe praeservata ab omni peccato personali toto vita manebat.


    'A Lógica da Criação'

    Jesus, oculto na Hóstia, é tudo para mim

    “Se não fosse a Santa Comunhão, eu estaria caindo continuamente. A única coisa que me sustenta é a Santa Comunhão. Dela tiro forças, nela está o meu vigor. Tenho medo da vida, nos dias em que não recebo a Santa Comunhão. Tenho medo de mim mesma. Jesus, oculto na Hóstia, é tudo para mim. Do Sacrário tiro força, vigor, coragem e luz. Aí busco alívio nos momentos de aflição. Eu não saberia dar glória a Deus, se não tivesse a Eucaristia no meu coração.”

    (Diário de Santa Faustina, n. 1037)


    A Paixão de Cristo