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    quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012

    EDITORIAL: Destroy all churches

    EDITORIAL: Destroy all churches

    Obama silent while Saudi grand mufti targets Christianity

    If the pope called for the destruction of all the mosques in Europe, the uproar would be cataclysmic. Pundits would lambaste the church, the White House would rush out a statement of deep concern, and rioters in the Middle East would kill each other in their grief. But when the most influential leader in the Muslim world issues a fatwa to destroy Christian churches, the silence is deafening.

    On March 12, Sheik Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, declared that it is "necessary to destroy all the churches of the region." The ruling came in response to a query from a Kuwaiti delegation over proposed legislation to prevent construction of churches in the emirate. The mufti based his decision on a story that on his deathbed, Muhammad declared, "There are not to be two religions in the [Arabian] Peninsula." This passage has long been used to justify intolerance in the kingdom. Churches have always been banned in Saudi Arabia, and until recently Jews were not even allowed in the country. Those wishing to worship in the manner of their choosing must do so hidden away in private, and even then the morality police have been known to show up unexpectedly and halt proceedings.

    This is not a small-time radical imam trying to stir up his followers with fiery hate speech. This was a considered, deliberate and specific ruling from one of the most important leaders in the Muslim world. It does not just create a religious obligation for those over whom the mufti has direct authority; it is also a signal to others in the Muslim world that destroying churches is not only permitted but mandatory.

    The Obama administration ignores these types of provocations at its peril. The White House has placed international outreach to Muslims at the center of its foreign policy in an effort to promote the image of the United States as an Islam-friendly nation. This cannot come at the expense of standing up for the human rights and religious liberties of minority groups in the Middle East. The region is a crucial crossroads. Islamist radicals are leading the rising political tide against the authoritarian, secularist old order. They are testing the waters in their relationship with the outside world, looking for signals of how far they can go in imposing their radical vision of a Shariah-based theocracy. Ignoring provocative statements like the mufti's sends a signal to these groups that they can engage in the same sort of bigotry and anti-Christian violence with no consequences.

    Mr. Obama's outreach campaign to the Muslim world has failed to generate the good will that he expected. In part, this was because he felt it was better to pander to prejudice than to command respect. When members of the Islamic establishment call for the religious equivalent of ethnic cleansing, the leader of the free world must respond or risk legitimizing the oppression that follows. The United States should not bow to the extremist dictates of the grand mufti, no matter how desperate the White House is for him to like us.

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    © Copyright 2012 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.


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    • cbpelto

      Whereas Good can tolerate the existence of Evil. Evil cannot tolerate the existence of Good, as Good will continually be pointing out Evil's faults. Therefore Evil must always try to destroy Good.

    • Bahahaha you're ignorant. You're calling Islam evil, as if Christians have never done anything wrong at all. It's not like just in the past few years there's been a huge scandal over the Catholic Church protecting it's child molesters. But if they're Christian they must be good.

    • jason lefebvre

      Your forgetting that the crusades and other barbarous acts were committed hundreds of years ago. These savages act like this in the year 2012. They have failed to become civilized like the rest of the world did. They kill women for learning, mutilate women's genitals, "honor" kill women, and are still stoning people in public for "emo" haircuts. The rest of the civilized world is hundreds of years past this animal behavior. These people are savages and would have us living in the stone age if it were up to them. Yes Christianity has had it's share of atrocities, but they grew out of it. Yes the Catholic cover up of pedophilia was abhorrent and disgusting, but does not even compare to the atrocities committed by radical muslims in present times. THEY KILL WOMEN FOR LEARNING. THEY MUTILATE FEMALE GENITALS TO PREVENT THEM FROM HAVING SEXUAL PLEASURE. THEY KILL THEIR DAUGHTERS FOR FLIRTING WITH OTHER TEENAGERS TO UPHOLD FAMILY HONOR. WOMEN THAT ARE RAPED ARE FORCED TO MARRY THE RAPIST TO UPHOLD FAMILY HONOR. ALL THIS IS HAPPENING NOW, IN 2012. They are savages, and the only thing they understand is extreme violence and oppression. All you liberals that refuse to find muslims at fault for anything sicken me. You do realize that whether your liberal or conservative, republican or democrat, it means nothing to them. They would love to chop your head off with a dull blade well screaming "Allah Ackbar". No matter what US foreign policy is, they will always want us dead. We could pull out of every war tomorrow, and give Israel to the Palestinians, and it change nothing. As long as western democratic countries exist, the extremist's will be trying to take us down. They hate our freedom, they hate or way of life. In their eye's we commit capital sin on a daily basis. Our women are allowed to read, work, and dress provocatively. Getting rid of Saddam was the worst idea ever. Those savages need somebody as ruthless and cruel as Saddam to keep them in line. The numerous public beheadings, hangings, whippings, and stonings are what kept the shia and sunni's from attacking each other. But once he is gone, they can go back to doing what they do best. Blowing up each other's markets, mosques, and police stations. Every military leader knows that blowing up mass amounts of women and children is good strategy. Bottom line is, that if these savages had their way, we would all be living under sharia law. The world would revert to an uncivilized, violent,phobic, paranoid, wasteland. They would destroy all non-muslim historical artifacts. All of them. The artifacts created by humanity, starting with the cave drawings, would all be destroyed. Any part of humanities past that was not consistent with Sharia law would be destroyed. Almost all the museums in the world would be burned to the ground. Historical sites in China, which has the single longest running civilization in the world, would be destroyed. In essence, radical muslims would like nothing more than to destroy evidence of man's achievement throughout history, unless it strictly adhered to the Sharia worldview. The rest of the world evolved and passed them buy. They are no longer relevant, and server no purpose on this planet. I can only hope that they keep provoking the rest of the civilized world with their caveman antics. The Crusades will return, and will finally be rid of these less-than-human animals.

    • Good Jason - you only didn't point out that their god is a false god and their prophet a false prophet. When you worship satan no depravity is unreasonable and remember that their religion 'cleans' them of their sins 5 times a day.

      One other thing I must point out - the majority of those living in 'muslim' lands would not be muslim and in truth are not muslim. They have little choice in the matter if they wish to live and buy and sell in the marketplace. I have lived among them for over 30 years. The radicals who hunger for temporal control over them and over the west are the ones that are the problem. These false teachers of the doctrine of death use the ignorant and the poor to commit the atrocities we see and read about.

      It will continue and grow and because America has turned from God and joined the false prophets in both spirit and deed, great punishment is coming to America and her people. There is opportunity for America to avert the coming disaster but America will not blinded by its pride and disobedience.

      For the rest of the Jewish and Christian world, there is a promise from God to destroy utterly radical islam everywhere by God's Own Hand. Check out Ezekial chapters 38 and 39 and be of good cheer. God is moving and he is still in control.

    • Faustina11

      The Crusades were a response to Islamic aggression. The Middle East was Christian for centuries before Mohammad.

    • blogengeezer

      jason lefebvre insight comment in rep to henry, Posted on Daflikkers 17 Mar 2012. Thank you jason. May the Power of the Vote, hold back this Tsunami tidal wave of Islam attempting to destroy the civilized world. Unified Prayer to our Creator works, when no other human created power has effect..

    • GinniaC

      But Islamists do keep all the advances in warfare. They want complete control of nuclear bombs and all delivery systems.

    • Comparaison n'est pas raison....Learn how to argue, sir!!! don't change the topic. We were commenting a press release abt what is reported: The words of an islamic preacher!

    • Scott: Please give examples of each with regard to Christian scripture. I doubt you can. Unlike what most Democrats seem to believe, saying something doesn't make it so.

    • Bemkapeace

      Scott, please do check with the IRS. The Catholic Church pays taxes on everything - excepting donations under a certain figure. Many other agencies do get the same exemption.

    • Epicuros

      Historically? Hah, it still does.

    • Jared Hehn

      The destruction of anyone's place of worship is "evil", regardless if it is a mosque, church, synagogue, ect. You are the ignorant one for assuming that the above meant Islam was evil. The bottom line is that no one has made an attempt to protect the religious freedom of people in this area which is a crime against humanity. Get a clue.

    • In this case evil is Saudi Arabia and its oppression of everything not Islamic, many have argued Timothy McVeigh and Joseph Kony are not true christians, and I would say Saudi Leaders are not true Musims

    • It obviously meant Islam, I don't think the person who wrote it would even deny it. Because if evil was just the idea of denying someone religious freedom, than who would the good be? The article is about an Islamic leader wanting to rid the area of Christianity (btw have you heard of the Spanish inquisition) so how could "Evil must always try to destroy Good" mean anything else.
      Even the way you're trying to skew it, then both parties would be evil, because you'd have to be blind to current events and world history to actually think Christianity is tolerant of all other religions.
      A much more apt quote for what you seem to be trying to say would be "Evil must always try to destroy Evil" or even better "Good must always try to destroy Good" because no one thinks they're the bad guy.

    • Epicuros

      @Matthew Rigby

      "Expel the infidels from the Arab Peninsula", said Mohammed. But by your apologetic logic I'm sure you'll say Mohammed is not a true Muslim.

    • Anyone who calls for the destruction and persecution of another people is evil.

    • Epicuros

      Islam already destroyed all other people in the Arabian Peninsula. After all, whatever happened to the Jews, Christians, and pagans that used to live there? Many massacres like Bani Qurayza.

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    1.Vendo aquelas multidões, Jesus subiu à montanha. Sentou-se e seus discípulos aproximaram-se dele.
    2.Então abriu a boca e lhes ensinava, dizendo:
    3.Bem-aventurados os que têm um coração de pobre, porque deles é o Reino dos céus!
    4.Bem-aventurados os que choram, porque serão consolados!
    5.Bem-aventurados os mansos, porque possuirão a terra!
    6.Bem-aventurados os que têm fome e sede de justiça, porque serão saciados!
    7.Bem-aventurados os misericordiosos, porque alcançarão misericórdia!
    8.Bem-aventurados os puros de coração, porque verão Deus!
    9.Bem-aventurados os pacíficos, porque serão chamados filhos de Deus!
    10.Bem-aventurados os que são perseguidos por causa da justiça, porque deles é o Reino dos céus!
    11.Bem-aventurados sereis quando vos caluniarem, quando vos perseguirem e disserem falsamente todo o mal contra vós por causa de mim.
    12.Alegrai-vos e exultai, porque será grande a vossa recompensa nos céus, pois assim perseguiram os profetas que vieram antes de vós.

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